Monthly Archives: August 2023

M&A Murders & Acquisitions: The Good The Bad and The Ugly of Selling Your Business

I’m pleased to announce the release of my podcast.

 Click HERE to listen in.

M&A Murders & Accusations: The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly of Selling Your Business! We dig deep into what you MUST know when selling your business. Rick J. Krebs, THE mastermind M&A Advisor (Mergers & Acquisitions, not Murders and Accusations) and expert at selling businesses, has transformed the lives of countless business owners by helping them secure the perfect sale. Prepare to embrace your destiny, for this podcast is not just about getting it right; it’s about seizing the ultimate triumph! 

Brace yourself for mind-blowing discussions with industry titans, whose unparalleled expertise will propel you to unfathomable heights. Entrepreneurs of the world, unite! If you’re contemplating the life-altering decision to sell your business, THIS IS YOUR UNWAVERING BEACON OF LIGHT!

Listen by clicking HERE